Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thing #9

Which method for finding feeds did I find the easiest to use? I would have to say that I went with Google reader. As far as seach tools, I liked google blog search and bloglines. I found that the tools were a little frustrating because of the keyword concept. I am glad that Google Reder had several RSS feeds that it recommended. I found Mike Falick's feed interesting as well as Of life, Education, E-bay, Travel and Books. Personally outside of school I like the feeds I found on food and photography. I did not find other ways to find or locate newsfeeds other than having them suggested by others to try out. I think it would be interesting if we could create feeds of blogs for each grade level on the library resources page so that grade level teachers could blog about great things they have done or even things they would never do again and teachers could comment to each other or ask for advice from others.

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