Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thing #10

I really enjoyed playing with the image generators. I created a couple posted on my bog from . I picked out the image I wanted to play with--my first was a Houston license plate and then created my text and then it even gave me choices for what I wanted to do with it. I chose to post it to my blog. My second one was a picture of a fortune cookie being opened and my text of course created the fortune which I again posted to my blog.

I teach Kinder and I think it would be fun take pictures of my students and let them create a trading cardof what or who they would like to be when they grow up.(I would assisst in writing the text) or letting them put themselves on the front of a magazine cover with a positive title. I think it could be a great self image booster to see themselves in that way.

I LOVED Thing # 10 and will definitely be playing again in the future!


4th grade said...

I can see how making your own license plate and fortune cookie would be fun. Just another added step for students to use in creating projects! Thanks for sharing.

Canoe Sue said...

What a great idea! Linking trading cards to future careers is a great learning tool for the kindergartners. I really didn't know if they had the skills to create this, never having taught kids that young. But I love the idea of getting younger kids to think about future careers. I think, if they have a career goal, they are more likely to see the value of school as a tool to help reach their goal. Kids without goals usually don't do as well in school as those with a goal firmly in mind.
Canoe Sue